Code of Conduct
OTML is committed to ensuring adherence to the highest ethical standards of business conduct and compliance with relevant laws.OTML Code of Corporate Conduct & Business Ethics applies to all directors and company employees (and where applicable to contractors, consultants and business partners) and includes specific policies regarding:
- Breaches of the Code;
- Legal Compliance;
- Using and Accounting for Company Assets;
- Protection of Information;
- Conflicts of Interest;
- Gifts and Entertainment;
- Outside Directorships;
- Access and Disclosure of Information; and
- Political Contributions and Activities.
To assist ensuring that the Code of Conduct is more than just words on a page, all employees undergo appropriate job training on expected standards of behaviour and legal compliance.
Employees are encouraged to report suspected breaches and concerns to their managers. In addition, a Whistle-blowers Hotline is also available to allow allegations of breaches of the code to be reported anonymously. All reports of any business conduct issues are promptly and diligently investigated.
Annually, Managers are required to sign a declaration that relevant employees in their area have received training and that they are not aware of any breaches of the Code of Corporate Conduct & Business Ethics in their area of responsibility.