Ok Tedi Power Limited

Ok Tedi Power Limited (OTPL) is a 100 per cent subsidiary of Ok Tedi Mining Limited that supplies and distributes power to the Western Province.
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Ok Tedi Power Limited (OTPL) was incorporated on 12th of June 2014 after the PNG Sustainable Development Program (PNGSDP) transferred its Western Power assets, including Kiunga Pawa and mini-grid facilities and staff in the Western Province to the Fly River Provincial Government in February 2014.

OTPL manages the Tabubil and Kiunga retail power supply and distribution, Ningerum and Balimo retail power supply and distribution, and 38 mini-grids in Tutuwe, Middle Fly and South Fly.

OTML is the largest power user in the Western Province, generating its power from a combination of hydro and thermal generation, with a daily maximum power generation of approximately 67 MW.

The total annual power generation in 2018 was approximately 493,000 MWhrs of which hydro generation provided 396,000 MWhrs (80%) and thermal power generation provided 97,000 MWhrs (20%). The daily maximum power generation to meet production demand (excluding Kiunga/Bige) is approximately 60 MW.

Power for the mine, mill and township of Tabubil is supplied by hydroelectric and diesel generators installed at Ok Menga, south-east of Tabubil, specifically for the project.

The Ok Menga hydroelectric run-of-river scheme supplies about 75 per cent of the project’s energy requirements. Maximum power output from Ok Menga is 57 megawatts. A 45-megawatt diesel power station and two diesel-fired gas turbine generators with a combined capacity of 16 megawatts at Tabubil and a two-megawatt hydroelectric power station at Yuk Creek meet any additional power requirements.


Ok Tedi Power Directors:

Chairman – Kedi Ilimbit
Director – Alan Bong
Director – Franz Hemetsberger
Secretary –